Thursday, August 06, 2015

When we pray

I don't understand the rational behind shouting and screaming while praying. When I hear people pray for way, I often wonder if our God is deaf or if the loudest prayer gets the fastest answer. How do you  reconcile a church situated in a densely populated area putting speakers outside the church to make sure everybody hears their prayers or worse still during their night vigils. Why would you decide to rub people of their good night sleep? It simple means you a very wicked person because that's not love. Your disturbance doesn't guarantee people will troop to your church or does it? I seriously doubt  that.
Anyways, back to where I started from, shouting. What's the idea? Letting other people hear your prayers, clapping, jumping and making weird sounds. I'm not talking about praises here, that's totally different.  I think the God we all pray to is a quiet and peaceful being and no quite person likes loud conversations. I also think anyone who wants to pray can close their eyes and talk to God. That's what I think.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Whomever is snooping is looking for private information (obviously). I can't boast of not doing it at some point in time-you just have to find out something you don't know or what someone is hiding, lol but what's the point really. What do we gain from reading someones diary or going through someones phone and emails?
Nobody ever snoops for the right reasons. Most of the time, almost always, you get to find out things you don't like that changes your mood or changes the way you feel and relate with the person so what's there to gain?
Is there any gain in what in finding out what people say about you in their conversations or that you are being cheated on? If you must know, do you have to find out through snooping around? I don't think there is any form of satisfaction to be gained from snooping. Am i wrong

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


This is it! I've always had the idea of starting my own blog. I don't know what has been stopping me from doing that, don't know if it's fear that nobody will read or just sheer laziness. I woke up this morning and for more than a year after I created a blogger account, my thoughts came back to it. So I've decided that right now, from this moment, I'll start posting because I know, at some point, people will start reading.
I might not post everyday but I'll keep it alive and be active. That's a bold step, right? So, this is it! I'm starting it and I'm keeping it.